When does a business need to contact a warehouse rental service? Thanks to the tax-free incentives, the need to expand the market and the increase in the number of orders the business is encouraged to expand and make a plan to rent a bigger factory.
Therefore, if an enterprise want to change to another location, the factory rental services is a great choice to point out the advantages and disadvantages when renting a factory, minimize unnecessary risks in:
- Lacking financial budget for new factory
- Testing market
- Changing position for the product
- Starting a new business plan
The demand for ready-built factories and warehouses
Each business will have different purposes and requirements when leasing a factory but in general, a workshop needs to have 4 common factors below:
- Location
- Acreage
- Rental price
- Utilities
For example: a garment factory should be located near the residential area to attract labor force and then the workshop have to be equipped with basic utility like electricity system and fire protection in case of electrical shock or fire.
However, for logistics businesses, it is advisable to choose a location that is convenient for transporting goods to the port. Therefore, choosing an area less vulnerable to natural disasters is a smart choice.
What are the benefits of renting a factory and a warehouse?
- Location
"Nhất cận thị, nhị cận giang, tam cận lộ" (first near the market, second near the river and third near the road) is an old statement of the elderly about how to choose a good location which is extremely important in business, trading and production.
Currently, due to the urbanization of big cities and main roads, the land value in these places has increased rapidly, which leads to highly competitive among rental units. That is the reason why many company relocated their factories to neighboring areas.
- Traffic & infrastructure
Most of the industrial parks are located at strategic locations, which brings convenient for enterprises in shifting goods.
- Saving budget
Using ready-built factory can solve the problem of initial investment cost, which is really cost-effective.
- Saving time
When businesses rent a ready-built factory, they will not waste time to build and can start to produce immediately.
- Getting legal support
Assisting businesses in registering business license
- Enjoying preferential treatment
Giving priority to businesses with a long and stable rental period with incentive programs for prices.
- Attached service
The internal utilities like firefighting system, wastewater treatment system, power supply station, office space, security system, etc. are available in the industrial park to help businesses start producing immediately.
Finally, in order to rent a factory with an affordable price, businesses should choose a reputable rental unit.